key dates calendar

Choosing the right date can be the difference between a successful event or a halfway decent one. With this 2024 Key Dates Calendar you’ll be sure to get it right every time. 

Plan ahead, stay ahead

What a difference a day makes. If you’re an event planner, you know how true this is.  

You can define your event goals, get a budget approved, book the ideal venue and design a great marketing campaign, all to have it fall apart when you realise your event is on a bank holiday. With most people already daydreaming about their long weekend escape, you’re unlikely to get many RSVPs.  

This 2024 Key Dates Calendar includes all holidays in the UK and Ireland, so you won’t have to worry about making that crucial planning mistake.  

Be a guest at your own event – we will take care of all the details  

Planning ahead – that’s just one way we can help you. We are your best-in-breed team of marketing and events experts, with years of experience managing conferences, business and networking events, awards and gala dinners.

Let’s discuss your marketing, events and design needs