Marketing trends in 2024: Adopting AI as your strategic co-pilot

Marketing trends in 2024: adopting AI as your strategic co-pilot 

How is AI changing marketing in 2024? 

Since the launch of the large language model, ChatGPT, in late 2022, the marketing landscape has undergone a massive transformation. Since the use of AI in marketing is seeing rapid technological advancements and consumer behaviour is evolving, it’s more crucial than ever for business owners and entrepreneurs to stay ahead of the curve. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key marketing trends that have emerged and how they are playing out in consumer culture. 

Consumer culture and brand innovation 

While significant attention has been given to data-driven marketing, AI, and other technologies, creating brand awareness based on a clear strategy remains crucial. AI-driven efficiency cannot be denied; however, the challenge now is for companies to find the right balance between emerging technologies and proven brand-building methods. 

In this sense, ‘innovation’ extends beyond adopting new technology. As Nicki Morley, Head of Thought Leadership at Kantar, emphasises: “successful brands share five key characteristics: consumer-centricity, strong brand foundations, category leadership, sustainability focus, and a willingness to be brave through testing and learning.” 

Google’s content quality rater: optimising content for SEO 

Google’s latest update seeks to reduce low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by 40%. While Google’s EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) framework has existed for a decade, but this year, Google added an extra ‘E’ for ‘Experience.’ 

This implies that content that is memorable, creative, and attention-grabbing that aligns with buyer needs and drives lead generation is essential. On the one hand, as Ogilvy predicts, AI is an indispensable ally in this regard, enabling brands to sift through extensive consumer data and craft hyper-personalised content at an unprecedented scale and speed. 

However, adding the human touch is key for authenticity. While the excitement of adopting new technology and the efficiency it bring are undeniable, brands must strike a balance by infusing AI-generated content with a human touch through face-to-face videos, stories, and anecdotes fostering trust and engagement with their audience. 

Making user experience a priority 

In tandem with generating high-quality content, these updates have also underscored the importance of delivering exceptional user experiences (UX). According to Beymard, 39% of users stop engaging with a website if loading time is too slow and 90% of users stop using an app due to poor performance. Businesses that prioritise UX optimisation, seamless navigation, and engaging, buyer-centric content will reap the rewards in terms of higher engagement and conversion rates. 

As a social media report by Hubspot points out, social media platforms have swiftly integrated AI capabilities, from TikTok’s personalised feed customisation to Instagram’s AI-generated stickers and LinkedIn’s AI-powered profile assistance. As AI capabilities continue to evolve, brands will be able to leverage these tools to drive productivity and creativity in campaign conceptualisation, copy generation, short-form video and visual content creation. 

Meanwhile, there is a growing shift towards raw, unfiltered content that resonates with audiences craving real, entertaining, and personality-driven experiences. As mentioned, brands who incorporate a human touch into AI’s content creation capabilities will likely witness increased engagement and brand loyalty.

Don’t sleep on LinkedIn!  

While most of social media platforms are seeing a decrease in engagement rates, LinkedIn has just hit a billion members worldwide with an expected rise in high-quality thought, leadership, advice, and support. 

For best practices on using LinkedIn effectively, please see our handy checklist

Adopting an omnichannel approach 

With numerous channels available, creating a holistic brand experience is crucial. Businesses that adopt an omnichannel approach, leveraging multiple touchpoints with consistent messaging across digital and in-person interactions, are fostering well-rounded brand awareness that forges stronger connections with their audiences. 

Face-to-face interactions are regaining prominence in B2B marketing. Engaging booth experiences, activations, and events play a vital role in fostering connections and building trust with potential clients. It is wise for businesses to prioritise developing robust virtual and hybrid event strategies to complement their digital efforts. 

For an in-depth look at mastering an event, please see our latest webinar


Embracing AI as a strategic co-pilot while maintaining a human-centric approach, prioritising user experiences and personalization, and delivering authentic, omnichannel brand experiences will be key to staying ahead of the curve. 

Need help adapting your marketing strategy to the latest trends? Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape and position your business for success. 

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